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[survive] When I called a delivery health girl,my friend came. Motion comic version

系列作: survive

Overview: Female friends... Can friendship exist between the opposite sex? I feel like it does,but I also feel like it doesn't. It depends on the person and the position at the time,so it's difficult to make a black-and-white statement... But the only thing I can say is that "There aren't many men who want to keep a kind,cute,big-breasted girl just a friendship...!" By chance,I became friends with such a girl in a university lab. Whether you read it from top to bottom,it's "Misumi". Her breasts are so big that her clothes are always stretched tight around her chest. There are probably only a limited number of clothes that she can wear beautifully,so she has given up. Every time she walks,her heavy body sways and catches the attention of the guys around her. She sympathizes with me and doesn't give me advice that I don't ask for. She has excellent grades,so of course I want to make our relationship more than just friendship. We'll go out... or share a bed... I indulge in all sorts of fantasies and want to make Misumi my girlfriend,but to Misumi,I'm just a friend... I'll never be able to touch her big breasts,which are within reach if I reach out my hand. The closest and yet most distant breasts in the world. Every time I see Misumi,who I meet almost every day at the lab,my fantasies grow and my penis just gets bigger. So,since I've saved up a decent amount of money from my part-time job,I decided to call a delivery health girl,something I've always wanted to try. It's my first time in my life...! I opened the front door with the utmost excitement,and there was someone standing there... "Ah..." I was suddenly closer to the breasts of my friend Misumi.

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